Littelfuse 推出 突波保護裝置 SPD2系列

【Littelfuse 推出 突波保護裝置 SPD2系列】 Surge Protection Devices:…/littefuse-surge-protection-pro… 詳情,請上網下載「型錄」:…/littelfuse-surge-protection-ca… ☎ 02-2809-1251 分機103 / 112 ✉

Littelfuse Surge Protection Devices

【Littelfuse New SPD2 Family - Surge Protection Devices】 Surge Protection Devices:…/littefuse-surge-protection-pro… Download the catalog through the link:…/littelfuse-surge-protection-ca… ☎ 886-2-2809-1251 ext. 103 / 112 ✉

Why it’s tough to SiC power MOSFETs

【Why it’s tough to characterize SiC power MOSFETs】 完整資訊,請上網連結:…/D…/LIT_DCP_App_Note%20v15.pdf…

Nabertherm 電窯TOP 16/R、TOP45

翹慧公司代理Nabertherm德國電窯多年,深受台灣藝術界人士喜愛。 100% made in Germany,價位合理,品質高,均溫好,省電耐用。 TOP16/R、TOP45是我司最暢銷的陶藝電窯,大小適中,適合個人工作室或是學校機構使用。 - 最高溫度: 1320℃ - 電源供應:220V 單相用電,家用冷氣插座即可使用 - 耗電量:2.6 kW/3.6 kW,非常省電 - 控制器可拆卸、外掛,顯示介面大,清楚好操作 本公司於台北捷運淡水線紅樹林站/淡海輕軌起站, 步行約3-5分鐘。 電窯現貨展售中,若有興趣歡迎來電洽詢。 聯絡方式: TEL: 02-2809-1251 #107 賴小姐 E-mail:…

TOP 16/R & TOP45

As a distributor of Nabertherm, Industrade plays a popular role in Taiwan artists. It is 100% made in Germany, reasonable price, high quality, good average temperature and power-saving. TOP16/R、TOP45 are the most famous pottery kiln in our company which is suitable for school or personal studio. - Highest temperature: 1320℃ - Power supplies: 220V  - Power cumsumption:2.6 kW/3.6 kW…


【PLECS 模擬軟體 MMC】 瑞士PLECS軟體,除了可以搭配「硬體在環模擬器(Hardware-In-the-Loop)」, 也適用於模組化多階轉換器(MMC)。 瑞士洛桑聯邦理工學院(EPFL)的電力電子實驗室也使用PLECS模擬軟體。 ▹ 官網連結:

PLECS Simulation Tool for MMC

【PLECS Simulation Tool for  MMC】 PLECS simulation tool from Switzerland not only could be used on Hardware-In-the-Loop, but also on MMC.   École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) also uses PLECS in their electronic lab. ▹ Plexim website:

Dixon Phano China Marker #00095 Brown

Dixon Phano China Marker #00095 Brown – Reasonable heat resistant which is around 1400 °C – It could be used in wide application, such as glass, plastic, ceramics, mental, rubber, etc.  – It is easy-to-erase on the smooth surface. – It is easy-to-use and could be continually used without sharpening the pen. – PMA Certified Non-Toxic Welcome to contact us via email, phone call or…

Dixon 高溫筆 #00095 棕色

Dixon Phano China Marker #00095 棕色 - 耐高溫,約1400°C - 用途廣,使用在玻璃、塑膠、陶瓷、金屬、橡膠等材質表面 - 易擦拭,在光滑表面上可以擦得一乾二凈 - 方便使用,可撕式外層不用削筆,即可繼續使用 - PMA無毒認證 歡迎來信或來電洽詢,亦可留言私訊哦 📩 📞:+886 (2) 2809-1251 🔍…